
『SYZYGY Ag Cellar』:大分のZOCALO 専門店
2023年4月12日(水)大分に『SYZYGY Ag Cellar』がOPEN。《ZOCALO》のシルバージュエリーを扱う専門店です。 大分県大分市中央町4-1-21 OTSビル2F ガレリア竹町の出入り口近く、『おおいたOrganic Market』のあるオアシス並木通り商店街〈竹西...
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天空から力を集め煩悩を断ち切り、持ち主を護り厄難を切り裂き新しい未来を切り開くチベット密教の法具『ダガー』。未来を見通す『先見の明』を司り困難を回避しより良い未来に導く力を持つバード・ドージェ・ダガー。Bird Dorje Daggerhttps://zocalo.jp/collections...
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Saber Toothed Tiger
どんなものも噛み砕くような荒々しい上顎の巨大な2本の牙を武器に最強の肉食獣として君臨してた『サーベルタイガー』。恐竜が絶滅した後の、氷河期とともにその勇ましい姿を消したが一万年という長い時を経てZOCALOのハイクオリティーな圧倒的な彫金技術により勇敢さと勇猛さ兼ね備え蘇りました。 自分の何倍...
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Kartika: Ax that breaks the bad fate and anxiety of the past life.
In the Buddhism world, it is said that the soul will be reborn in the world of suffering, the six -way reincarnation, and people are said to have...
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Unlike others, two snakes are intertwined brilliantly, and a unique ZOCALO double snake series that combines glossyness.From the fangs, the whole r...
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Optical Fiber 01
One piece in which the glow of artificial edges shining in seven colors and ZOCALO jewelry protecting the owner from disasters. The presence and ...
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What is "Dorge / Dorje": "Incorporating the good power of the sky", "crushing annoyance", and "protecting people"
Dorje) What is? It is the name of a tool used in Tibetan esotericism, and is also called "Dorje" in Tibetan, but in Sanskrit, a standard sentence...
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"Fleur-de-lis" Symbol of elegance
"Fleur-de-lis" is a jewelry series of "ZOCALO" designed to Lily flowers as motifs. The motif of "Fleur de Lis" has been used for many centuries and...
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Sanskrit Guardian Goddesses, a set of guardian deities based on the Sanskrit script and the Chinese zodiac. Bonji (梵字)
Sanskrit (梵字) is a script developed in ancient India and used to write the Sanskrit language. In Japan, it is often called "Shittamonji" (悉曇文字), a...
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Bird Dorje Pendant: Bird Dogger Pendant
Dogger of Buddhism, Dorje.In English, it is referred to as Dorje or Vajra.It is also called five-pronged pestles or vajra in Japan.The five-pronge...
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Horseshoe Pendant
Horse shoe: horse shoe is the meaning of horse's shoes. It is a U-shaped metal fitting used to reinforce a horse's hoof. Horseshoe It is also ca...
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The beauty of the 'Mugal Empire' that flourished in Islam.
"Islamic" is a collection series that is inspired by the culture that pursues the beauty of the "Mugal Empire" and is described through a filter ca...
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